Our Network aims to increase access to local singing opportunities for anyone who is living with dementia or caring for someone with dementia. This is why have created an interactive Network Map, which provides accessible information about singing opportunities across Scotland.
If you run a choir or singing group in Scotland that has an inclusive approach when it comes to welcoming and including people living with dementia, then we’d love to include your group on our Map!
To register, the first step is to complete a brief self-evaluation form. This form takes you through the dementia inclusive principles of the singing network. If your group is partly or fully achieving these principles, then you can proceed to complete the form to join the network map.
We have identified a number of principles as essential features of groups who welcome and include people living with dementia, and created a self-evaluation form to help you assess your choir or singing group’s current approach to dementia inclusion. This form isn’t intended to be a test, but a helpful guide to establish whether your group is inclusive for people living with dementia. It should take about 15 minutes to complete.
If your group is partly or fully achieving ALL principles and your group is based in Scotland, your group is eligible to join the Dementia Inclusive Singing Network map. You do not need to share your answers with us, but please complete the self-evaluation form before you complete the form to join the map.
To access the form, you can download either a PDF or Word document version by clicking the buttons below:
If your group would like to be dementia-inclusive but you are not currently achieving all the principles, then we hope the form is a helpful tool for you to reflect on your practice and build on it. You can also check out Luminate’s Dementia Inclusive Singing Network Guides to find out practical ways you can improve your group’s inclusivity for people living with dementia!
Once you have completed the self-evaluation form, you can now list your singing group on our website. By joining the map, you are making information about your dementia inclusive choir / singing group available in our search tool and map.
Before completing the sign-up form, please tick the box to confirm you have completed the self-evaluation form. We will send you a notification annually to prompt you to check / update your group’s details, as well as to complete the self-evaluation form again to assess how your group has changed or developed its practice.
Principles of the Dementia Inclusive Singing Network self-evaluation form
If you do not have an email address and are unable to complete this online form, please contact us to request a hard copy form by post.
Your personal details will only be used by Luminate to contact you when we need to, and will not be published. Any details you provide about your choir / singing group may be shared and published online. Answers marked with an asterisk (*) are required.
These details will be only be used by Luminate to contact you when we need to, and will not be published. Answers marked with an asterisk (*) are required.
This information will be published online. Answers marked with an asterisk (*) are required.
This information will be used to automatically plot your choir / singing group location. Answers marked with an asterisk (*) are required.
We will plot your choir on the map based on the postcode provided above. Postcodes though can plot a vague area on a map. If you know the exact longitude and latitude, you can enter this below. Find out your longitude and latitude here: www.latlong.net
Thank you! That’s the biggest section done. You can move onto the next stage by clicking the next button below.
Once you submit this form, this page will reload and you will be able to add and edit information about another choir / singing group. Information you have already submitted will not be lost or over-written. You can repeat this process as many times as is necessary.
Luminate will use the information you provide on this form to be in touch with you and to publish information about your choir / singing group on the Dementia Inclusive Singing Network website. We treat your data and privacy seriously. We will never sell your data on to any third parties, and will never use it for unscrupulous purposes or to sell you anything. By joining the Dementia Inclusive Singing Network you consent to Luminate holding and processing your personal details in accordance with our Privacy Policy. The Privacy Policy can be viewed on the Luminate website: View Privacy Policy.