The Forget Me Notes (Gorgie Salvation Army Hall)
Community Choir / Singing group
Contact this group
Name: Alan Midwinter Role: Facilitator
Phone: 07588894587
New members do not need to contact the group before attending a session.
The Salvation Army Hall
431 Gorgie Road
Free to attend. Voluntary donations welcome
Type of venue
Church Hall
Venue Accessibility
Disabled Access Free parking nearby Good public transport links Refreshments available Quiet space Large print song sheets and communications
More details
Conductor(s) / song leader(s)
Alan Midwinter/Paul Barfoot
We meet across two venues and use music in order to build community, challenge isolation and offer an enhanced communications experience. Everyone is welcome and we have no limit on attendance. Socialising is a very important part of what we do and the music is a means to hearing personalised stories that lead to the empowerment of those who attend.
Size of group
between 20 & 50
Group Affiliation
The Forget Me Note Project
How the group runs / what kind of support the group offers:
Our conductor(s) / song leader(s) and organiser(s) have had training in dementia inclusion We are supported by volunteers or paid staff who have had training in dementia inclusion We are supported by volunteers or paid staff who are able to provide support to group members during sessions where this is needed