Newburgh Wellbeing Choir
Community Choir / Singing group
Contact this group
Name: Valerie Walker Role: Chair
Phone: 07720 327766
New members do not need to contact the group before attending a session.
Tayside Institute (TICC)
92 High St,
no cost but donations are welcome
Type of venue
Community Venue
Venue Accessibility
Disabled Access Good public transport links Refreshments available Quiet space Large print song sheets and communications
More details
Conductor(s) / song leader(s)
Dave Watt and James Ford
There are defining no characteristics or bars to the group. All are welcome!
People arrive from 1.50pm on Wednesday. We sing from 2pm – 3pm then tea/coffee and biscuits are served in the same hall. People are free to come and go as they please.
Size of group
How the group runs / what kind of support the group offers:
Our conductor(s) / song leader(s) and organiser(s) have had training in dementia inclusion We are supported by volunteers or paid staff who have had training in dementia inclusion